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Everything posted by Mifors

  1. Sorry, the issue is still there.
  2. Can I manually install this firmware somehow?
  3. Tried resetting settings manually, didn't help.
  4. Due to moving, for some time I charged the device through microusb although my friend said that this should not be done, maybe it killed him. Charged through the battery charger and it still does not turn on. Just a black screen and that's it. I used to connect to Escribe to change themes for it and everything was fine. Now (hope dies last) EScribe at least sees that the device is connected and offers to install the latest firmware "1.1 SP55.1 INT" when trying to install this firmware, nothing happens. "Applying Service Pack (Core)" Trying to install the firmware is endless it seems but when I waited a very long time at the end it showed that the device was not connected or something like that. When you try to reset to factory settings or do a hard reset, this is the "screenshot" I didn’t drop it and didn’t drown it under water, it just stopped turning on at one moment ... I thought I’d pay more and get myself the first high-quality and reliable device right away, but something went wrong. Is it possible to somehow fix it or do something with it, or has it already become a brick and you can forget about smoking a vape?
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