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Posts posted by Michi

  1. nope, batteries are not getting hot! BUT the batterie % is falling while not using it! like 50% half a day or better said night, where itnisnt used. i think its a short circuit... at 1am, it was little over 50%, now its 2%.

    ok, i think i cant do anything else but disassemble this thing. i hope i can put it together after cleaning lol! we'll c.

  2. hey, thx for help!

    yup, just sitting there and looking on the screen. as i disconnected the vap, i saw a little bit of liquid in the little hole with the thread. normaly, the simurg doesnt leak!

    nope, the batteries are fine - no liquid there!

    maybe its important to say, that it felt over sometimes for a few times, if someone moved the table? maybe a cold solder joint cuz of that?

  3. Hey guys!

    since a few days, my dovpo riva is getting hot :(! The board temp is gaining without fireing!!! and after a few mins, it says temp error if i hit the fire button. it goes up to over 72°C, every 5secs +0,5°C. its sinsible heat at the upper side of the display. 

    is it dead? i got 10000 pulls. can i fix this for my own?

    thx for helping me!

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