I have a Steam Crave Hadron Mini DNA100C arriving in a couple of weeks, and I was looking around to see what themes were available. I came across DJLsb's YouTube review of the the DNA75c from 2017 (!) and he describes the theme he made for Lost Vape Therion, which he made available to everyone. I found a bunch of themes here that were derived from the original DJLsb theme, but I can't find the actual original theme he made anywhere.
His website (www.djlsbvapes.com) is no longer public (it's private now), the Lost Vape section that used to hold all their themes is no longer there either. I even tried the wayback machine, which came up with all the old pages with the links, but the actual .ecigtheme files weren't archived...
Can anyone point me to the original theme DJL made (LostVape001.ecigtheme.zip)