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Posts posted by Chums1

  1.  Thank you! and now the next noob question. Should I assume the wattage setting is more accurate than a smok mod? I have identical coils in my DNA mod and a smok Morph.The recommended wattage for the coil is around 85. I am burning coils rather quickly with the DNA, but not with the Morph mod. Wondering if I should set the DNA lower than "recommended"?




  2.  I figured out my problem. Thanks for the replies! I do have another question... I am  looking for a way to clear  puff count, I use puff count to judge my battery life. What I am looking for is a theme that lets me have the puff count on the firing screen so i do not have to dig for it.

  3.  1. Can a DNA75c theme be used with all it's features on a DNA250c mod?

     2. If so, How can I get the mod to go to the "Home Screen" shown on the picture in EScribe? The left picture looks like a home screen and the right picture (that it fires on) has the settings I can scroll through. I cannot find any setting in there to go to the home screen.


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