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Posts posted by DaveK

  1. Definitely dry hits. No burned cotton, just firing way too high for the build all of a sudden. It's as if it forgets to regulate the hit and just keeps ramping up way past the wattage it's set to hit to. And quite quickly too. Almost like it would be if I had the atomizer on a series mech. I'm definitely not new to regulated mods, or building my coils. Just new to DNA powered devices. And when this happens (it's only happened twice so far) it's as if I had the mod set on bypass or something, but with a bit of a ramp up curve. And my post screws and connections are definitely tight. For the record, I'm using a Vandyvape Kylin V2 with AVS 28x3+36 ss316l triple fused clapton dual coils, 5 wraps 3mm id sitting at 0.1012 ohms cold. On a Lostvape Centaurus dna250c with Samsung 25R batteries fully charged. 

  2. So, I just got the new Lostvape Centaurus, and it's fantastic. First DNA mod. So far I've only been using the Replay profile, with ss316l triple fused dual claptons at .10 ohms. Works great mostly, but occasionally it seems like Replay just completely loses its shit and will just keep ramping up harder until it dry hits. If I cancel and reset replay, it goes back to normal. But when it starts doing that, it just keeps hitting way too hard til I cancel it and set it again. Help please! 

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