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  1. Wayneo, fet over yourself. Like it or not, the regulated Vaperz Cloug Hog device is listed as a DNA 400c device. Whether it be a modified 250c is neither here nor there. The OP hasn't just made it up on the spot. They have posted as published, in order that those with the same product can find what they need. As for the "theme". Well to be honest most "themes" are just different wallpapers. If you don't like it, don't download it. Simple. As a moderator (formally senior member) I and others would expect a little more decorum and respect for users of all walks of the vaping world.
  2. The relevence is that this is a 4 cell device with a DNA 400C. That is how it is stated in all documentation. Wheter it actually be a DNA250c which has been modified by the product manufacturer is neither here nor there. Most interfaces are purely graphical, that's the joy of themes which is all this is really. Some like the addidtion of having 4 cells on display, others don't. It is purely personal. Download it, or don't. 31 people (at time of replying) have thought they like the idea of 4 battery cells as a graphic, Much in the same way, some people are constructive whilest others are lonely, opionated keyboard warriors. Don't like it, don't use it. simple. Personally I actually like the design
  3. Hi there, I too am new to DNA devices, however I've learned that certainly with the DNA 250c, you need to set the date and time first before you can do anything. If you haven't done this, it is probably easier to do via eScribe as it will sync with your Windows clock
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This is the theme to match my "Odin DNA 250c - Watt Friendly" presets. I haven't added any "new" artwork or graphics, I have just adjusted some of the wall papers and colours so that they are a little easier to see. I personally found the original them a little difficult to work with when it came out of the box, so I modified it for myself and thought I'd share it here incase anyone else is "in the same boat". Hopefully someone will find this of use. Vape safe everyone
  5. Version 1.0.0


    I'm fairly new to DNA Chips and at present I am not a big user of temp control. The factory presets on the ODIN DNA 250c I found to be heavily based around TEMP control and had a lot of presets on that weren't suitable for myself as a wattage based user. So I modified the presets to current personal tastes and thought I'd add it incase anyone else was "in the same boat". Below are a list of the presets with an outline of what they do : Kanthal : Standard "Watt" mode with no punch or boost Watt Punch : Standard "Watt" mode with a boost of +2 and Punch enabled Watt Boost : As above, but with Punch disabled Watt Replay : Standard "Watt" mode, but with Replay enabled Watt Boost Replay : Standard "Watt" mode, but with a boost of +2 and Replay enabled SS 316 : Standard Odin Default SS 430 : Standard Odin Defeault Replay : Standard Odin Default *Starting "Watt" amount is preset to 20 on all modes except Kanthal which is preset to 30. This is to avoid any accidental coil damage. *No coil ohms or temperatures have been pre-set for the same reasons as above. I hope this helps somebody out at some point. I will be uploading a "matching" theme as I have tweaked mine ever so slightly and found it makes a huge difference, without going overboard. Vape safe everybody
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