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Posts posted by YuNVme666

  1. Is there a way to remove the default "Hello" text from a condition  permanently ? I can delete it, save, and upload to my DNA 250c and its gone,   but if I go to change something  and forget to remove it every time I upload again its right back to the blank spot I previously had,  its kind of annoying to look at and have to remember every time I'm doing something.  I think its just part of the theme designer itself to show where a location would be for a text so shouldn't be too hard but when you want it blank there needs to be an option to opt out of there being text, I understand its purpose but need to be able to get rid of it when not needed, whats the work around besides just non highlighted version of the in use text ? I made a theme I want to upload here but can't consider it finished when the hello text continues to reappear after reopening theme designer, as I prefer to have a blank than a dark version of the in use text  because to me it looks cleaner?


    Thanks all,


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