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  1. Yes I'm aware that there are many themes already made ready to download. I want to learn how to create my own theme... I'm just looking for a tutorial on exactly how to do that. I'm looking for someone that can give me a run down of ex as ctly what everything means. Again I'm new to designing the theme. Not new to the evolv forums and using someone else's themes.
  2. im trying to learn how to create my own theme for both my 75c and 250c and im having a super hard time understanding it. I wanted to see if anyone could explain to me or send me in a direction that I could learn how to go through the entire process. if no one can help me through the entire process is there anyone that could help me understand how to setup a screen for replay so that I could maybe add it to a theme I already have??? sorry im new to all of this and im teaching myself, I have no one to help me out so im turning to you guys!!!!
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