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Posts posted by ozzyag

  1. 1 minute ago, dwcraig1 said:

    The dimensions of the FullyMax 900 are listed as  (I rearranged the numbers for comparison )  70 x 26 x 19 mm,  the one that you linked to is 62 x 34 x 6 mm. The FullyMax 900 fits the space just right. I think you would have a problem with the 34 mm part of it. One really never knows the actual size of one till it's in your hand. There needs to be room for swelling so a tight fit is to be avoided. 

    Would it be ok if I added you as a friend and gave your a ring when the new board and the Hana kit comes in and maybe you can help me better understand turning the 3s he sends into a 3p. I he picture arent that helpful to me unfortunately I’m sure it’ll be easier once everything is in my hand too 

  2. Thanks to all you amazing people? Reaching out to evolv has been a breeze and they have agreed to replace the board. 

    10 hours ago, dwcraig1 said:

    As for the battery, when I type in 1s2p loo into eBay I get a huge assortment. Mostly for rc cars my and or lighter stuff like planes and small drones but they are 3.7c, 1s2p (1seriries two parallel, correct?) and then there’s different C ratings. Am i barking up the wrong tree?

    for example here’s a 2 pack with “JST” connectors. Not what I need? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F391990391298

  3. 1 minute ago, dwcraig1 said:

    With the Hana box kit from Ebay and a DNA75 board that Psyclone Mods was almost giving away one of the moderators here built me a Lipo powered DNA75 mod.

    The included 3s 950 Lipo from the kit was used but first it was opened and had it's cells wired from series to parallel (DNA75 is 3.7 v not 11.1v), a some what tricky operation and not for the faint of heart.  

    So not including shipping or labor this is about a $20.49 mod.

    The deal on the DNA75 boards is long gone.

    Hana DNA75.JPG

    Which reminds me. Will I just be able to buy a 1s2p 3.7v battery that fits?  Pics of the modified battery?

  4. So I did some experiments and found some 91% iso and gave the board a good clean with a q tip, taking off the button mentioned above but there wasn’t much juice on the board really. Could it have maybe auto fired for a while or does it have some kind of built in fail safe. Also, does the board itself keep a log of what happened? I may have already screwed up by trying to reset to factory settings. Anyway here’s some pics. Notice room temp reading at 100deg when it was more like 55-60 in that room  


    I assume my lavabox warranty is gone but evolv? Anyword. I already have a Hana mod style box coming that I was gonna swap this into since I didn’t like the single 18650 setup anyway but I also bought a boxer dual 20700 250 and don’t want to buy another Dna board for my dns build. Lemme know. 

  5. On 10/1/2018 at 8:14 PM, kambiing said:

    I have problem with the contact (maybe), I am looking information how to disassemble this thing and fix the contact.

    I see the negative contact is spring loaded and the box may be opened by holding it and removing the bay. 

    Problem is the spring is very tight, i have no idea how to do so.

    Just took mine apart. Start by getting both screws inside the battery compartment. Then start by pulling in the bottom until you get some wiggle room. The what I did was grab my smallest flat head screwdriver and kinda went around the mod and popped out the part of the battery compartment that should become obvious that it’s the part that should be coming out. After that it’s easy peasy

  6. 8 minutes ago, dwcraig1 said:

    I just finished one this morning that I got from the Ebay guy. It was a Hotcig DX200

    Does the Lava box use a daughter board for the switches?

    These are not clones, choose no battery, he will include one. He included two with mine.


    This is what I bought to transplant the chip into but in afraidcthe board is dead. I’m not sure what you mean by sister board. It’s kust the board that would screw into the front of the mod with the screen being held snugly with some foam padding behind  it 

  7. So I had been working on this cheapy dual coil rta from eBay that had potential. I could tell it was a matter of getting the wicking right. It’s the Fuuny FZ if anyone cares to look it up. Anyway I was messing with it while my wife got ready for us to go out. 

    We went out, came home I didn’t get back to playing with the tank until the morning when I realized I had left it on my lavabox M75 with the dna75 chip and it was absolutely covered in juice. The sprite for board temperature every time I tried to fire it so I connected to escribes device monitor and sure enough the board temp was pegged out at 271 or whatever the max is. 

    I’ve extracted the board and plugged into escribe and still get the same board temp error. 

    Am I hos


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