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  1. I am sourcing a replacement battery for the Axis M17 mod. I found where someone posted some on Ebay a few months ago. I contact the seller, which I assume is someone that worked for Axis before they shut it down, but haven't gotten a reply. This battery reads: Axis Vapes M17 Replacement LiPo Battery 1100mah 11.1v 12.21wh Searching for those numbers, I found this one... Same numbers, but they are out of stock. That company said it might be a few weeks so I am continuing my search. The big issue is the width. I only have 17mm to work with and that will be almost an exact fit. I found one tonight that looks like it will work, but I am concerned about the C rating. The RMRC one reads: Constant Discharge: 35C. This one I found tonight says 20C in the description but has 15C on the photo of the unit. This repair is for me. I am a low wattage vaper, will that one work for me? I'll be honest, I'd love to find one that would fit that is more than 1100mAh, but most of those are too long. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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