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GlacialNips last won the day on November 25 2018

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    A theme Inspired by the Ally printing options for Rebel Vape. Dark grey and black theme with splashes of color. All the information and options are accessible through the Home Screen. Minimalistic menu screens that are easy to read and navigate. Replay enabled. I would love to hear your feed back on the theme so I can improve it! Thanks
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Dark and minimal theme with deep blue accents. Displays all the information you could need right on the home screen. Extra non-sense removed. Replay enabled. **More colors coming soon Please let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions or feedback, I would love to hear it and improve the theme. Thanks!!
  3. Ok its a little complicated, I'll add it back into the theme and update it here soon.
  4. Version 1.0.1


    **Tad is the designer of the original theme, link below** Update 1.0.1- Attempted to add Replay functionality back in- Please let me know in the comments if it is not working properly, Thanks. Modified Material Dark theme. (Replay feature removed since I do not use it- it can be copied from the original theme and worked into the display if necessary.) <-- Updated, Non-Replay works just fine still. Very clean theme that displays all of the information you could want without looking too crowded. The idea is you don't ever have to dive into the Settings unless necessary. Added to the Main Screen: Time&date access, live puff access, total puff count, and battery settings PersonalizedMaterialDark1.0.1.ecigtheme
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