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  1. I have been always using the wire I found in the original packaging
  2. Hi, a few days ago during the night my e-cig (Goon 1.5 by custom vapes 528 + VTBOX 250) turned on by itself. I woke up and i noticed my e-cig was brighting: I don't know how, but the vtbox activated the resistences by itself. On the next day i plugged the box to my pc (escribe read it good) except for the LiPo battery (escribe read 0V on all 3 cells). So I have replaced it with a new Fullymax but the screen keeps on saying: "Warrenty Service". What can be the real problem? I made a factory reset using escribe, it doesn't report any error, it reads the box correctly. What can I do? Sending the box back is a bit less expensive than buying a new one, so if there's something I can do by myself, I would like to know. Many thanks and sorry for English, it's not my main language.
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