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Posts posted by w007

  1. Thanks slypanda. 

    Thing is all of the things you mention are known and I totally understand if/that Evolv is going that route. Totally agree on the shot->foot analogy :)

    What's simply not understandable to me is their lack of communication.

    They keep chiming in on all different topics here and there, so why all that silence?

    I want to hear from them. I want an honest answer and if possible a rough estimate. "Some time" is not an estimate. 

    (If one wants to go down the guessing game road one could even ponder that this single, innocent remark about the 75C was intended to increase sales of 75C devices as well. However, I don't want to go down that road :) )

  2. I would like to second that inquiry - a little less impatient, but none the less insisting.

    In fact I just registered here in order to emphasize to you good people from Evolv that there are indeed people waiting for that.

    I've been an almost exclusive Evolv vaper except for some mechs since the DNA25/40 days and haven't looked back. Since I never had any major issues with your wonderful chipsets I didn't have the need to register here.

    I'm also an independent software developer and therefore am aware that it's not always easy to predict an exact release date, more so when you have one team working on different "in-development" projects like I can imagine the DNA250C is. However being in that business for >20 years I know that it is absolutely crucial to communicate progress to your customers.

    You jumped the gun and announced on DJLSB's video that a DNA75C replay will come "some time" after the DNA250C is released - mods with it have hit the store so I guess YOUR release to the modders was a "long time ago".

    You should have enough experience with software development and user emotions by now that you could've known better than to announce that 75C update in an unspecified manner that you did.   
    BUT since you did, I expect some progress reporting and some more (or less) refinement on when we can actually expect that update to hit your servers.

    Simply ignoring paying customers asking a simple question is not the way to go.

    May I please politely inquire for you to do so? Just a bit more verbosity than saying nothing would be greatly appreciated here.

    TiA :)

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