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Posts posted by Chokeslam

  1. 20 minutes ago, LeeWB3 said:

    Fair enough, but 2800 mAh is still tiny.  A single 18650 VTC6 is 3000.  (Yes, I know precisely why they are actually not directly comparable, but it's close enough to make the point).  I already have plenty of DNA200 and 250s that I simply don't use because the battery is too small to leave the house with.

    That's 2800mah per cell. So it'd be like having 4 2800mah 18650s. Great battery life.

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  2. Here are my thoughts on this whole thing, for what they're worth.

    They weren't able to make their original deadline of before Christmas, probably for perfectly good reasons, so they missed out on the holiday spending spree. They could have probably released it shortly afterwards, but sales probably wouldn't have been that great right after everyone has blown their money on Christmas shopping. In a few weeks, however, people will start getting their tax refunds and spending like crazy again. If I were them I'd sell a relatively small amount of boards to manufacturers and hold off the release until mid Feb.-early March. People get their tax returns, by up the manufacturers' stock quickly, and Evolv can sell stupid amounts of boards at a higher price because of the demand.

    This is purely speculation, but I'd bet the situation is something similar. I doubt we'll see any 250Cs for at least three more weeks. Hopefully I'm completely off track though, and we're placing orders next week!

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