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Posts posted by Wolfgar

  1. That's what I had been worried about, it'd explain why before it used fine as liquid could get inside the mod of course but so far I assumed that if that had been the cause I'd see bad reading on live reading in watt profile as well, I only get bad reading on cold coil reading of TC profiles but I guess taking it apart is inevitable then, i avoided it mostly since it uses some tiny star shaped screws I don't have screwdriver for so I'll have to buy it.

    And if it'd be build issue It wouldn't work on other mods fine. I second test everything on my koopor and I took lot of care fine tuning my builds.

    I chcecked it and it had been preset by manufacturer, I guess I could try reset it and fiddle a little. But again I concluded if that was issue both cold resistance and live resistance would be off, not just the later. Also I tried escribe monitoring and what caught my attention is that when I try to monitor both set cold resistance and live resistance they both move up copying each other curve. I think when I used monitoring before cold resistance remained straight line and only live resistance moved up as it is logical really. Could it be relevant?

  2. 23 hours ago, Wayneo said:

    Welcome. IMHO you're way overthinking things, and TC is actually quite simple to set up and get good results.

    Material TCR is wire specific and will not change due to ANY coil parameters. The resistance of the coil is ONLY read when you press the fire button. It is a 'live' read while in Power mode. It is a 'refined' (70°F) value while in TC mode when unlocked and does not change on the display while firing. DNA mods only require locking under special conditions.

    What do you mean?

    Not as much overthinking as troubleshooting really, when it used to read resistance properly I had been using just one profile happily but when the trouble began I tested multiple profiles.
    Same with different coils as yes it's wire specific but multiple coil build that heats up unevenly, has hotspots or some conductivity issues in the build deck itself will of course affect resistance and hence the performance of the TC. I agree that getting TC working correctly on single coil is easy but on triple/quad RBA's I use it requires bit more fine tuning. But I'm used to that and I tested all of the builds that read incorrectly on my DNA on my other TC devices where they do work fine.

    And yes, TC is useless on my DNA now since as I said, I have for example 0.12Ohm build, I put it cold on DNA in watt mode and the live resistance read is indeed 0.12Ohm. I take it off, switch to TC mode I put it still cold on and it shows correct 0.12Ohm for a split second and then inexplicably jumps up to 0.14Ohm and saves that as cold temperature. Now of course the TC doesn't work because I tries to work of way too high resistsance. Which means in most cases it'll just show something like few thousand degrees and then turns off or if I'm lucky and it reads only 0.01Ohm off I might be able to get it working somehow but setting ridiculously low temperature so I let mod regulate to 100C while realistically I'm vaping around 200.

  3. Hello, I need a bit of a help with my DNA 250 device (think vape finder 250). Sadly TC had been useless on it for a while as it reads resistance always 0.01-0.03 Ohm too high but only when in TC profile. When I switch to power profile it shows precise resistance perfectly. I used my koopor to test it as that one allows you to set the resistance (I wish DNA would let me fine tune the resistance) and using the resistance DNA reads in power mode TC on koopor works perfectly. But when I switch my DNA to any of the TC profiles the resistance suddenly jumps up for no reason (cold atomizer of course). When the profile loads it actually shows correct resistance for split second and then goes up but it's way too quick to lock before it changes.

    It does this on all my SS builds with every atomizer I use and at any resistance from down to 0.08 to 0.4Ohm. I use multiple TC SS profiles -  original that had been pre-installed, TCR and few I downloaded and they all read same wrong resistance.

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