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  1. I have sent mod back nothing changed on my one either thanks for feedback tho
  2. thanks for the help will need to get a t5 bit and will do as you have sown in pic hope it sorts it out love this mod so much
  3. so I must remove the 510 right to get to the ground wire ? and then re solder it ?
  4. shit I was hoping not to have to do that I have reset defaults and still the same thanks anyway
  5. hi I have cleaned the 510 and a spring is moving freely it is not the only atty that is reading like this all the ones I have are all reading double the ohms
  6. Hi All Hope some one can help I received my therion on Monday and all was good yesterday I installed ne coil on atty built on ohms reader and coil read at 0.36ohms on reader installed on mod and gives me a reading of 0.77ohms which is almost double I have applied new service pack and no change thanks in advance
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