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Posts posted by Drew:

  1. Hi Everyone, My first Dna/drone and I loved it until it died with my peerless on it. I purchased my drone on 2nd July, when I changed the battery's for first time I got the check battery's error message.  I tried my other battery's which all have been charged via external charger i.e: Panasonic, lg, Samsung, etc... but still got the same error. After frantically browsing internet best advice was to use E scribe to see if that would help, and after restoring settings, installing firmware, service pack, selecting 2-cell and hard reset...it finally came back to life........But unfortunately a few days latter...the error came back with a vengeance. I have repeated all the same steps through E scribe and nothing......Empty battery display, switches on then off and says check battery error.....Grrrrrrrrrrr

    Device manger is displaying 'Cell 1: 0.01v' and 'Cell 2: 5.12v'

    Image included

    Thanks, Any help would be very much appreciated



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