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Phoenix Box Mods

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Phoenix Box Mods last won the day on January 22 2021

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  1. dna250 can and may use up to 28 amps in 250 and 32 on 250c so this M12 isnt a good battery for the dna board
  2. usb will not try to charge an very unbalanced battery - this battery is in bad shape and maybe you can balance and recover with a very nice outside charger
  3. shave the buttons - do not shim the holder - the holder should be flat when epoxy is added to make sure it holds tight when usb is pulled in and out - sand the buttons simple fix
  4. So today another one - ive had a run of bad usb ports in the past month total now is 4 will not connect to escribe issues - no charge issue - the boards dont seems to be from any special build time from jan - nov to be out 4 boards for warranty in the past month is not normal. anyone else having issues ?? i set lipos at 2.0 amp charge limit in device monitor idk whats going on
  5. I normally do share them since ive been building and selling dna mods since 2015 but the post is for themes for a few models Phoenix Box Mods with our logos and such. figured this would be the best place to post them but i will also share them not sure why anyone would want a Phoenix Box Mods theme on a non Phoenix mod.
  6. NEW for 2022 @ Phoenix Box Mods We have updated our theme colors for DNA250C for anyone wanting the new theme with new changes you can download here We have added : Clock into the home screen changed battery display colors and added a charge indicator (lighting bolt) meter is white green when full Color scheme also has changed if you have a model not listed please email me phoenixboxmods@gmail.com www.phoenixboxmods.com download the correct version of escribe (international version) here: https://www.evolvapor.com/escribe Hydra Theme 2022.ecigtheme Kraken theme 2022.ecigtheme Chinera theme 2022.ecigtheme Eternal theme 2022.ecigtheme
  7. lipos require 6-10 full cycles for the battery to break in - normal short life get longer after a few more charge cycles
  8. Here are the new 2020 updates for Hydra 4s , Siren 4s , Kraken and Cerberus will be be adding more as we move along New cerberus 7 2020.ecigtheme new hydra 7 2020.ecigtheme new siren 7 2020.ecigtheme New Kraken 7 2020.ecigtheme
  9. lipo batteries have a break in period - normally 6-10 full charges before the battery will perform as it should also the battery is not at 50% its reads 50% of use. All cells stop at 0% but the battery is set to cut off at 3.15 per cell so the dna chip can recharge Turnigy High Capacity 5200mAh 4S 12C 5200mah @ 12c = 62.4 amps dna 250 max amp use amps is 32 amps this battery has plenty of room
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