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Posts posted by Johnalever

  1. 1 hour ago, retird said:

    Deleted your duplicate post and moved my comment here.....  also I use Aspire coils with some designed for Temp and others only for Power Mode..they work fine...

    "Off"  means the device is switching to Power mode...Your resistance is not stable if using a TC coil..Make sure your atomizer and device is at room temperature before setting the cold ohms and you need to check all connections, and clean 510 of the atomizer and the device...Make sure the coil is made to be used in Temp Control mode instead of just power mode.

    Indeed. I'm using the basic Cleito coils, whatever they are. Probably kanthal. I've switched the device to Power and will await the Cleito coils that I've ordered.  They are specified for TC.


    Thank you,


  2. Hello, I have a DNA 75 based mod that exhibits strange behavior.  It's not that it doesn't work, but that it works some of the time and some of the time, not.  When it is working, it shows the temperature increasing as the button is  pressed, up to the target temperature.  When it's not working, it just says OFF.  It goes from working to not working and back on its own whim.

    The atomizer is an Aspire Cleito.  One shop employee theorized that it gets set to work, displays some temperatures, and in a short bit, senses that the coil is of the wrong type, and quits.  Sounds plausible.

    ideas anyone?



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