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Posts posted by Monoxxide

  1. I jut used the 1 TI like you say yes, just using a single coil. Put in the ohms from my coil in top right (this seems not be needed) then made the file and uploaded that to 1 of my 8 profiles on the opus.
    I think adding more wire options is for like when you twist different type of wires etct (wich is pretty awesome) if its that.
    You can make 8 csv files and put one under every profile on your mod, feels like options are endless.
    Atleast i think thats how it works.

  2. I just used it for first time since my ti from stealthvape arived yesterday.
    Have used it with setting temp lower then i do with NI, wich works but it felt kinda like guessing.
    Now just made my first CSV file on that site 30 minutes ago, loaded it to mod and works perfect on the correct temp now. Im surprised i can handle all that technical stuff lolol, its easyer to use then it looks if there are more tech nitwits like me.

  3. Windows 7 pro USB 3.0 , something did make the laptop freeze for a 10 seconds or so to, dont know much about technical stuff tbh.
    I was thinking the warning (be sure ur device is idle before push start) was the problem. Wat does idle mean on the opus, complete black screen or just dimmed, as mine was just dimmed when i pushed start?


    Damn this board is quiet something else, very impressed after using it awhile. Cant wait till my ti wire is here to play with that.
    Great job evolv, opus is very nice to, been lurking at those since the opus 20, was the perfect moment to get of those, so happy i made the jump.

  4. Hello

    I just received my opus in Belgium today. Im not sure if im missing something but i think it just died?
    Havent fired it up once yet but this is wat happend, quoting myself rq from FB as english isnt my strongest point.

    Think i just killed my opus while trying to upload the new firmware to it. I first uploaded 2 custom screens wich went perfect, then hit upload new firmware and device went pitch black. It wont do anything anymore now, tryed reconnecting few times, says no compatibe usb devices detected. The mod wont fire up when take usb wire out either. Any idea?

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