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Personal Information

  • Full Name
    Robert eby
  • Location
    United States
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    dna 200

rob's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/3)



  1. I'm probably at the wrong place for this question and I am terrible with computers so I don't know where to go to ask that but I bought my DNA 200 mod to vape temperature control with stainless steel and inside the describe software I went to steam engine and I went to the wire profile section and got 316L stainless steel to show up on the screen and then saved it. brought it over to escribe software got it to show up on the screen and the curve was slim to none .but I tried to download it to my mod and it told me to the curb was not enough .am I doing something wrong or is it just that we cannot vape stainless steel at temperature control with this mod yet? Thank you for any help or any direction where I can get this question answered sincerely Rob
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