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Posts posted by xer0

  1. I've noticed with my Lavabox running a Crown .25ss dual coil, its reading high ohms at .33, now when I screw this tank onto my MVP pro 3 it reads correct at .25ohms.

    Back on the Lavabox the vapour is very hot, i've just knocked it down to 44watts which seems very low for this coil and the vape is still pretty warm.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Thanks for the info, and excuse my ignorance. 

    But you mention firing your atty at 50watts, surely this is subject to change depending on your atty? If I was firing at say 25 watts for a couple of tanks, would this have an impact on my battery readings? Or is it just a control wattage in order to gain your results (like an average to gain an accurate curve across the board?)

    Sorry if i'm asking obvious questions, but i'm still learning o.O

  3. Thanks, i'm using this.
    I did notice when the Wh was set at 9.99 the cell voltages charged to 4.21 which seemed to be .01 over the maximum. I'm certainly no expert which worries me more when I'm playing around with this stuff and relying on forums. I'm guessing there are some small tolerances built in for safety, don't quote me on that.

    I've watched the whole Pbusardo DNA200 reviews....twice!

    This csv file should ideally work on all Lavaboxes? My room temp in the device monitor is reading 75F which is probably a couple of degrees over. Didn't seem to change whether I was using this CSV file or the default.

    Great points made on this forum btw, Volcano should have sorted this out prior to dispatch!

    One other thing slightly off topic, the mini usb plug that goes into the unit on mine seems to only go about half way in, the socket almost doesn't seem quite deep enough. Connects and charges ok tho, anyone else have this on their Lavabox?

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