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Everything posted by Wvpe

  1. I could not look at them in escribe after they failed. It gives me a no connection message with all of them. I can't tell u what my customers settings were before they failed but with mines I had a .12 coil with preheat setting at 200w on a velocity rda, failed. The second one they sent me, I had a .14 coil at 200w preheat on a phenotype rda,, failed. Both dual builds were a 30 over 30 Clapton. Both builds I played with the hard hit setting from soft to hard and also preheat time from 1-3. I used both anywhere from 80w to 120w. So my third dna200, I have not used tc and it's been working fine. My customers with failed units said they used tc, two of them used the unwell crown premade ni200 coils.
  2. I work a Vape shop and have recently sold about ten hcigar dna200. 4 customers who have not used ni200 on the unit, their units are still working. The 6 others that have use ni200, whether it be premade tank ni200 coils or wrapped coils, have all failed. I personally had 2 fail on me. Both builds of ni200 were above .1 ohm. Contacted hcigar, they just said send it back, and also set the preheat setting to 80w is best. So y have a preheat setting that goes up to 200w if it might fry the unit? I don't feel comfortable selling any dna200 device atm. What do I tell customers, don't use it for temp control? So if you don't want your dna200 to fail, only use kanthal.
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