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Everything posted by mechaet

  1. Running 9/30 on my Litt, still seeing this issue as well intermittently. Have not yet seen it on my DogMods, which runs the same firmware and profiles.
  2. I think I might have narrowed it down to not being able to save it as 22.2Wh, it drops the decimal (wtf) and puts it at 22Wh which then allows it to charge to only 12.0V instead of 12.6, and at some point the chip figures out what the voltage is and drops the battery percentage accordingly and reboots(? not sure of sequence), coming back up with a lower battery percentage after showing the error screen.
  3. Sure thing. Also: http://puu.sh/jRc6j/bc84c985c1.png Settings file: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=2133226AD7D65E28!2800&authkey=!AE_sNd5dL0jAWJ0&ithint=file%2cecig
  4. Just had it happen again. http://puu.sh/jR3X5/88c35bedc6.png http://puu.sh/jR3YQ/03edd53f48.png
  5. Hi DNA200 forums! I have a stump-the-tech issue: I usually plug in my mod (LittUp 44) to charge overnight via USB on my computer (with escribe running and the device monitor running), and usually the mod has between 40 and 60% remaining on the battery. When I wake up the next morning (I usually sleep about 5 hours) I see that the mod has charged the batteries to about 4.09v per cell, balanced perfectly, and I unplug it from the usb port to go vape. SOMETIMES, but not every time, when I get to the patio and hit the fire button, it doesn't fire; instead I have a screen saying "ERROR PRESS UP TO CONTINUE". I hit up, the normal "ready" screen shows up, and I vape as per normal. Interestingly, the battery was showing 93-95% charge when plugged into USB but will now show 77% (always drops to 77% when I get the error screen). Things I've tried: Charging the pack on a lipo balance charger to actual 100%. Updating the firmware (it currently is running the 8/21, I've tried the 7/1 firmware and the other firmwares in between) Soft restart of the mod via escribe before going to vape And it still happens. It vapes fine once I click past the error screen, but am I playing with fire on this thing?
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