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Posts posted by Celtic

  1. I've seen a lot of chatter lately about temp control not being hot enough. I would gladly share my tanks with you and ask you to say they're not hot enough. I use strictly 22 gauge Ti1, dual 6.5 wraps at 2.5mm ID. At 510F and 75 watts it's as hot as I can stand it. So personally I don't understand how someone would want a hotter vape. But then again I don't know what other people are building. I see a lot of talk about SS and Ni wire, but since I don't use that I can't relate. And then I see a lot of people talking about 28 and 26 gauge Titanium and I think that maybe the warmth isn't there, but no doubt the clouds are missing too. If you haven't tried the dual 22 Ti wire I would recommend it before selling your DNA mods or giving up on temp control. 

    Also I keep reading where the DNA200 is like the only mod out there that does temp control well. That's simply not true. Sure it's the best, but there are other good TC mods that work great. It's all a matter of understanding the mod's abilities and limitations and whatever little quirky things there is about them. The SMOK Xcube will never be a good TC mod, but P4Y has some good ones as well as Joyetech. 

  2. Guys, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for advancing vaping to the level you have with the 200 chip. This has significantly changed my vaping life. My only other experience with Temperature Control was with Joyetech mods. I do think those are quite good, but you raised the bar here! Solid, reliable and stellar performance. This is what vaping was meant to be. I can only imagine what you have coming next! Thank you for changing my experience so much for the better. 

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