Maybe someone can help since Hana's customer service blows. I've had my pre production Hana V200 for five to six days. Was working fine until today. Original build i had on my velocity was a dual nickel clapton coil and read .04 ohms. It was going up to 800 degrees, I saw that and thought what the hell. Would automatically go to temp protect. Put a silo beast with a triton .4 ohm coil and it read .62 and was firing it extremely high to 100 watts on escribe. Took that off and put a dual nickel build at .08 ohms on velocity and was reading it at 2.21 ohms. Made sure connections were tight and everything. Fired it and it said ohms too low. Took that build out and redid the same exact build. Same thing happened and kept firing it at 100 watts with no temp protection activating. Then it read it at .10 ohms and fired it normally not in temp mode. I have soft and hard rebooted my device and done everything i can think of. Not sure if i have a faulty chip or the 510 is faulty. Thanks in advance anyone who helps me out.