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  1. Actually, I just figured it out. Lol it was 1. my charging brightness and 2. Me not realizing I had to wait for idle. I was expecting immediate results. Then I stumbled upon the other thread about this and saw that.. thank you though for your quick reply. I really do appreciate that
  2. I'm having the same issue. For example, I have different screen settings for default mode and charging mode. In field 3 of default I have voltage selected and in field 3 of charging i have usb current selected. I uploaded the setting to the device, and yet whilst connected to usb it won't read the charging field, it stays on default. And ironically, if i switch default field 3 to charging current while the usb is connected, it will show me the current flowing to it. I tried messing around with the brightness on both default and charging to no avail. I have the Hcigar vt200. If anyone has any suggestions or better yet the fix to it, please let me know asap. thanks!
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