My Vaporshark DNA 200 stopped charging and firing. I plugged it in EScribe and one cell was reading really low (sub 2volts) while the other two were fine. A couple of days later not using it, cell number 2 voltage was 0.
Bought a new battery, now the pack voltage correctly reads 11.5volts, but cell voltages are 5.75, 0 and 5.75 respectively.
Lots of people have been having problems with their mods not charging and they all think it is the battery. Both of my batteries read fine with a multimeter! Save your money and don't go out buying new batteries, the problem is the hideously unreliable onboard battery balancing charger (part number BQ76925 from Texas Instruments).
Many thanks to this guy -->
The video is in Russian but the English subtitles might be a bit of help. My mod displays the first problem shown at 0:22.
This part seems to have a very high failure rate. Looking through the forum, lots of people have been having the same problem as I. One guy sent his device for RMA, got it back repaired only to have the same fault after 3 days.
Most of you are lucky to still be in warranty and live in the USA. I have to spend a fortune in shipping to get my VS to Vaporshark and back to Europe while I am also out of warranty.
I was considering to buy a DNA 250 board to replace my broken one but the problem has not been fixed, thus I am not paying 80 dollars to have the new board fail again at some point.
Evolv needs to address this problem, rather than replacing the boards under warranty, only to fail again in the future.
I would like for this thread to become a sticky and not be buried since it answers most battery problem threads.
I expect an answer from Evolv. I am deeply dissatisfied and this is not what I expected from a responsible company like Evolv.
Luckily, I still have my DNA 40 to power me through.