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Posts posted by 1Cas

  1. I received a new Anker Powerport 6 charger (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P933OJC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00) that is capable of providing up to 2.4A per port for charging the families cell phones and tablets. 

    For what I now, devices only receive the amperage they ask for, and none of my devices have had a bad reaction to it.

    Can I charge the DNA200 on this charger without any negative effects?

  2. Interesting. I am pretty sure I did when I first received it, because I downloaded the latest eScribe + firmware from this forum right before the device arrived.

    As an update: Cell 3 is now stable at 0.00v, so my guess is that the battery pack is indeed kaput. Going to leave it for a few more hours, but I am not very hopeful.

  3. So I have a VapeCige VTBox200 that stopped firing and charging after one day. While waiting for the Chinese holiday to pass, I shelved the device with (according to the battery gauge), about 50% charge. 

    Today, I picked up the device to see if I could breathe new life into it, and found the device completely 'dead'. I hooked it up to my PC and all 3 cells are at 0.00v.

    As before, it will not charge, but now that I have another DNA200 (and have spent some time on the forums), I am starting to think that it could be that the battery is broken, not the board.

    I have opened up the device and the fuse seems to be OK.

    I tried the 'recovery USB charging'. It's been charging for about 2 hours so far, and the device monitor reads:
    Pack: around 2.7v
    Cell 1: 1.09  
    Cell 2: 1.59
    Cell 3: changing frantically, anywhere between 0.09-0.32

    - Is the behavior on cell 3 an indication that the lipo is busted?
    - How long should I leave the device in recovery charging mode (the lipo is cold to the touch)?
    - Is it normal for a lipo (or the DNA200 board) to lose *all* of its charge when shelved for a few weeks? I know that batteries will slowly lose their charge, but have not seen this with any of my other regulated mods (it seems that 'off' does not actually cut the power).


  4. @James - Just upgraded to 2015-10-20 EScribe 1.0.35' on my Windows 10 box and updated the firmware on my VS. Device Monitor crashes when I load it with the following message: 

    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
    at N.pq.nf(Sm , String )
    at N.pq.Na.A(String )
    at N.pq.nJ(Object , EventArgs )
    at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)


  5. Mhm, the jury is still out for me. I agree that this is the most bitchin board out there, but in 3 weeks, I am on my 3rd DNA200. My first one (VTBox200) lasted a few hours. Most likely the fuse, but no confirmation yet (I am awaiting the replacement). Then last week, I bought the Vaporshark DNA200. It lasted 8 days, after which it would not charge, fire or even light up when untethered. They replaced it.

    It is the most expensive PV I have ever bought, and it has given me the most grief. My beater, the notoriously unreliable Cloupor T8, is over a year old and has been my daily driver for as long. It's been dropped more times than I care to remember, and it just won't break.

    I really want to like the Evolv board, but as it stands, I am starting to have a nagging feeling that my $350 investment in these 2 devices is wasted because of quality issues......

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