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Posts posted by Pulledunder

  1. Was hoping someone in here could help me out. Just picked up a solara yesterday, and threw it on my charger. When I checked it, it was showing a full charge of 12.6v, but the battery meter was only at 73%. I updated the firmware and double checked that the battery settings were at 13.32 for the 1200mah lipo enclosed. I also noticed the ohm readings were .04 ohms off, so I had to fiddle with the internal resistance to get it to be correct. Was wondering if anyone knows whats going on with the battery? This is my 4th dna 200 device, and I haven't had this issue with any of the others. Thanks in advance!

  2. I got the 1590b box from alpinetech. Great quality, my issue is that the magnets (from alpine as well) don't fit in the actual box. The beginning of the holes are too large in diameter, then where the threading starts the hole becomes too small. Wondering if anyone else has a solution for this? My other option would be to search my local hardware store for a screw with the right sized threads, and the right diameter head to come flush with the box. I'm thinking I'd lose some closure strength though because it will no longer be magnet to magnet. Also skeptical that I'll find the right screw. Thanks!


  3. Hey guys, I'm loving my new lavabox, just had a quick question. I have two atomizers, one is at .54ohms the other at .27. When I go from the .27 to the .54 I get the new coil prompt, but when going back to the .27 from the .54 it does not give me a prompt. Is this normal? I know technically it doesn't matter since I'm only using wattage on these builds.

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