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Posts posted by steefmobiel5

  1. Hi there,

    another question/suggestion from me.

    Eventhough on the 75c a buttonlock isn't really necessary, due to the use of the select button. It would still be nice if that option could be added, i sometimes want my settings to be completely safe when i put it in my pocket for min, but not having to lock it. When out and about having a buttonlock would be nice, so i don't have unlock everytime i take out the device to vape.

    greetz stephan

    ps yes i have had movement in the pocket causing changed settings on the 75c a couple of times. Luckily nothing serious, so for now i will lock the device when pocketed. 

    Also it seems i can fire from every screen except lockscreen, no matter whether i set fire from this screen or not.


  2. Hi there,

    Would it be possible to add more font choices. For now we can set 3 sizes small,normal and big. But i would be able to make a better looking and usable theme if there would be 5 choices. Xs, s, m, l, xl. Just so you can make everything fit nicely.

    Yes, i know you can set the size for each, but i really like to use 4 or 5 different sizes in my theme.

    Greetings stephan

    ps. i already tried using pictures with different textsizes, but the memory fills up in notime.

  3. hi mecoreis,

    your device is rebooting. You should contact the shop you bought it from. Perhaps one of the connections to 510 or battery are faulty. 

    A screen disconnect would not trigger a reboot. It would just go back to screen and you should still be able to vape during screen off.

    Best case scenario would be a theming mistake, so you could try loading another theme first.

    sorry to say so, stephan

  4. Hi chrismel,

    That definitly looks like your screencable is lodged under the firebutton. Replacing the screen and tidiying up the cable will probably solve your problem.

    I had the same issue with my smy sdna 75. It was quickly resolved with a new screen from evolv for $18 shipped, which arrived here(the netherlands) in 4 days from the us after ordering.

    Replacing the screen took maybe 15 min. Including the adding of padding between button and cable, so the sreencable doesnt get cinched.

    Greetz stephan

    Ps. Open up the mod first to check the cable is actually inserted on the board correctly before ordering.

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