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dna 200
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i could make a nice squonker outta that,just leave a battery out and BAM!nice work for sure!opps i didnt get the quote in there...was talkin about the wismec lookin box...up top.
Lunch box idea... 510 wire length ?
rudedog94 replied to borderlinepro's topic in Installation and Assembly
uhhhh why??lol.kool for you and whatever floats yer boat my friend...lol.not pickin on ya just couldnt get the question why out of my head.building mods has been a therapy for me for sure.just seems i always put a nick in somewhere and there goes any chance of anyone wanting to buy it..lol.i tried the FDV squoink kit and the bottles are just WAY to stiff for squonking if ya ask me.ima try an get some pics of the FDV squonkbox but i dont have the chipset wired up and solderd yet.great job again on your setup! -
i havent done anything to this yet,the other build i did the loop with the ribbon and just made sure it wasnt in the way of the fire button.idk what it looks like now,i havent had the chip out since i got the build done.i did order a chip holder from mamu and the ss buttons for it also.lotsa options for buttons out there,specially homemade stuff ive seen folks do.some stuff really nice and some....functional to say the least.but hey whatever works for whoever is doing it is ok by me.consiteener bend? ...idk what word thats supossed to be but spell check didnt work...lol.i was real leary of even touching the ribbon from all the nitemares i heard from the dna 40 boards.
that is sharp,seeing the screen in there with no holder gives me hope i can do something similar with my next squonk build.what is it thats between the board and screen?the white i see poking out is what im talking about.im waiting on my template so i can start drilling and cutting.i really dont like the box from FDV,its a lil wide but it will gimme plenty of room to work,thats for sure.67mm in width is maybe 10 - 15 mm to much.not a super comfy fit in the hand,for me anyways.may have to put velcro on the outside and wear a glove when vaping...lol.new fad.nahh not a micheal jackson fan. i do like the lil place for the bf feeding deal FDV came up with,it only works with his bottles though,so all my other 10ml bottles are a no go.also the door slides up and down so no magnets.but getting the 3/4 in opening cutout is gonna be super hard for a beginner like me.so idk if im gonna attempt to do that.since all the holes for firing,and up/down dont have to be super exact i think i can make it look pretty good just drilling the holes.still dont know if ima try to wire a diff fire button and not use the one on the board yet. although the other button placement does feel really nice up there.
i understand what your sayin now black lace about moving the connecter off the board.well i got my box and its lookin like my shapeways dna200 v2 with buttons/faceplate will probly not work.bummer cuz id ordered it already and had it made out of the semi metallic stuff.oh well need to find a bezel and dna200 cradle and be real careful about measure and cuttin the fire/up/down button holes.only thing i hated about the box is the corner is cutoff like the sunbox types are.but it leaves me the option of puttin a lighted fire button up there if i want.just have to figure the soldering of the wires out is all.its tuff lookin up stuff on the 3d printing websites like sculpteo,ive ordered prints from them when i built the peko mods when george had them available.ecf really screwed him over on that deal i thought anyways.anyone have any links to bezels and such for the dna 200 with buttons also?ima look but just had a tuff time with sculpteo but awesome prints to be sure!26650 would be great on a dna 75 i bet!im diggin the plenty of power from the 200 also and idk if ill build a 75 for me...love the mah i can get outta the lipo paks.
i am waiting to get my board and box ill be using before i get a battery for sure.wish i coulda got 1 of the dna75 chips but til then the 200 will do nicely.are you talking about shortening the 4 wires that come off the battery to make that lead shorter?my last chip was soldered direct to the battery,non of the connecters like the xt60 were used at all.i didnt have any shrink wrap on the pos and neg batt wires,if i could do over i'd definitly have shrinkwrap on them for sure.newbie mistake,dad taught me better then that but its been a looong time.from what i saw of the FDV box it seems to have plenty of room even if its a lil "cheap" feeling,meaning lightweight and easily scratched.i just didnt wanna pay a 100$ for a 3d printed box,i can always wrap the FDV box.just learning how to do any of this so im surprized ive started on my 2nd build..lol.i just couldnt justify $400 to???? however much money for boxes built by someone else,especially after i saw how relatively easy it is to build one myself....excluding the soldering ...so far..ha ha.the 1500 mah batt may end up working,idk about cuttin any of the covering off a batt though,havent gotten that bold yet..ha.i appreciate all the help/feedback from all the online places ive been so far,learning more everyday.THANKS !!
im not gonna be able to use that batt...to long wont fit in the box.main thing is i didnt know if the 3s1p meant something i needed to know.ill only have about 100mm x 67 wide x 22 thick for a batt.so til i get the box(FDV squonk) i wont buy one til i know for sure what room i have to play with.prolly end up with 1300Mah maybe idk yet.thanks for the info.you did see the steamcrave box right?its all crammed in there.to the point the battery is kinda holding the board to the faceplate.the aluminum flat piece i put between the bottle and batt keeps it all from moving,its kinda press fit in there.works i guess.made it through 1 drop now so far,fingers crossed. add:those dimensions are for the whole box not just the batt,everything should fit nice,need some velco or 2 sided tape ill bet. heres what ill probly use,1500 should be a lil better then the fullymax 900.the xt 60 will prolly be cut off...or soldered off. Spec. Capacity: 1500mAh Voltage: 3S1P / 3 Cell / 11.1V Discharge: 35C Constant / 70C Burst Weight: 129g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 88x34x21mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: XT60
thanks for the sound advice folks!2nd dna200 on its way!will this lipo work with the dna200? Specs: Capacity: 3000mAh Voltage: 3S1P / 3 Cell / 11.1V Discharge: 65C Constant / 130C Burst Weight: 301g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 136x45x25mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: XT-90
i saved the old board out of the steam crave mod and the battery tray. im gonna just mess with soldiering wires back onto the places i cut them off of.at least ill get a bit of practice with the board soldiering anyways.the box in the pic looks worse then it is.i had it wrapped in the blue painting tape so thats why it looks raggety..well that and i let the arbor screw it up.ha
black lace,thanks man,i didnt get to make the box but it was a transformation for sure.i got lots of help from a cat in austrailia thats done a bit of modding himself.2 weeks ago i never woulda thought i coulda done this.i did have to farm the soldiering out cuz for 2 days i tried and noway could i get the soldier to stick.was to skeerd to leave the iron on the board for fear of screwing it up.,so $16.03 later the radio shack cat did it up.i was happy to have it done,gonna try to soldier the next one and hope i can get it done MYSELF!the mess on the right side was from the dremmel arbor eatin through the tape,cant hardly notice it with the faceplate on now though.the white FP was too brite so sharpie with a coat of clear...lol.its stayin on there.anyways thanks and sorry again for the huuuge pic.
thanks jurdanas, and sorry for the coffee spillage!ha ha.i just ordered a squonk box from FDV and a new dna 200 chip,what i need to know is when the batts say 20c or 20-40c...what does that stuff mean?im pretty sure i need to stay with 3s batts and not the 4s type.i think im just dangerous enuff to blow my face off if i dont ask you all here what i need to learn.escribe wasnt as hard to use as i thought it would be either,so cool!sorry off track adhd at work.ha ha.i have a fully max 900 mah batt in the box in the pic.i want to go bigger mah but not sure what batt to buy.im in no hurry cuz i want the box in my possesion so i can measure what size i have to work with.just tryin to be smart b4 i do something....stupid...lol.makes sense NO?anyone that could help me out id appreciate it.thanks! for instance will this work?would the dna 200 charge it?the 3s1p has me wonder what it is. Specs: Capacity: 3000mAh Voltage: 3S1P / 3 Cell / 11.1V Discharge: 65C Constant / 130C Burst Weight: 301g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 136x45x25mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: XT-90
well ive only done 1 diy mod and it was a conversion from a steam crave 50 watt to the dna200 chip with 900 3s fullymax or whatever its name is.new to the modding and computer stuff.so i havent figured out the escribe stuf and am a bit itimidated to try it.anyone know where a dna 200 squonk 3d print can be had?after seeing some of the stuff here idk if this mod even belongs anywhere near this page.sorry for the HUUUUGE photo,dont know how to downsize it.-Rick