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    HCiger VT200

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  1. mikepetro: The Up/+ button isn't stuck. When an atomizer isn't connected, I can control the wattage up and down without a problem. And it doesn't automatically ramp up unless you connect an atomizer. Been left overnight without one connected, and still reading 55 where I left it. BillW50: I was pressing only the Fire button in the first three screen shots. Wasn't pressing anything in the 4th. I could try taking another set of screenshots to confirm, if you'd like. Yes, the person that owns this device has had it for a while, although they hadn't used it for a little while. Yesterday was the first time they used it again, and this just started happening when they started to use it. I don't actually own this device (hence my inexperience using DNA200 chips), but I was asked to take a look at it. The display does work when it's not plugged into USB. I'll check with my friend, see if they want to take it apart of not. Thanks for the help, this was kind of what I'd come to a conclusion on before coming to this forum. I wanted to see if someone had actually run into this issue before, in case this was a specific issue. Anyone has any other ideas, would love to hear them. If part of the board is dead, what do I do about that?
  2. Was not intentional. Apologies. Just grabbed the screenshots, that's what was on my second screen. I've removed the second screen. See updated post.
  3. Yes, I do. I may be new to the DNA200 chip, but I'm not new to computers or software by any stretch of the imagination. Connected, holding down fire button without an atomizer attached. TVF4 Mini attached with triple coil, fire 1 Second fire with same tank No fire, tank still attached. You can see how fast it ramped up to 200W
  4. It downloaded settings on connecting. And yes, I then Uploaded Settings to the device as I was making changes and doing tests.
  5. New to the forum, new to DNA200 chips. I'll try to be as detailed as possible. Problem: When I attach a tank to the VT200, the power automatically ramps up to 200W. Won't fire after that. Doesn't read oHms on the coil, either (although that could be because it won't fire/read the "new" coil"). IF I attach a tank and try to fire before it reached 200, it'll stop ramping up to 200, but doesn't actually fire. Doesn't read the oHms either. And once I take finger off fire button, the power ramp up continues. Tanks used while trying to figure this out: 2 different TFV4 tanks (1 full, one mini) with triple coils at 0.2 oHm 1 Vapmod XTank with 0.3 oHm coil 1 Matrix tank with 0.6 oHm coil (All coils Kanthal) Uwell Crown with .15 oHm Ni200 coil Troubleshooting already tried: Installed Evolv DNA 200 Escribe software - device connects just fine. All controls within seem to control/affect the device as supposed to. Performed firmware update - Nothing Reset to factory defaults - Nothing Reset all profiles to Temperature: Off - Nothing Tried a few different combinations of the above - Nothing Atomizer Analyzer DOES read correct oHms off coils when connected. CAN reset power output in the Device Monitor, as well as perform simulated fire (which SOUNDS like it actually fires the atomizer when connected). Essentially, no matter what setting we change, revert, update, firmware upgrade, etc, when you attach an atomizer to it, it automatically sends the power up to 200W. Thoughts?
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