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Posts posted by Chancej8

  1. Dwcraig sent me a response in a pm suggesting that I may have overheated the on board button when soldering on the 510. I checked it with a multimeter, and it looks like that's what happened. Best bet is to get the RMA. I pulled mine apart and am about to do the same. The bigger wires are kind of a pain to get the right amount of heat on I guess. Sucks that you haven't gotten a reply yet, Evolv has fantastic customer service from what I've seen. I didn't have the lock issue, you're having, and I'm still very new to all this. I know it isn't much but I hope it helps. I feel the pain, I can't wait to get one of these bad boys working. Good luck!

  2. Thanks for your input VapingBad. I desoldered the external firing button and tried the on-board button again, still nothing. I'm going to try a different switch at lunch but I don't have high hopes at this point. I haven't been able to find out anything about what could cause this or anyone else having this problem, It's gotta be something I did. Anyone know if there is any troubleshooting I could do? Stick a multimeter on it somewhere? Should I just stick to playing with LEGO? I really want to love this device, but it's making it very difficult.

  3. For some reason my firing buttons aren't working. Both the on-board and the external one I just wired in. This is the second board with the exact same problem. I can fire the device through EScribe, up and down both work, battery is good, reads my atty's....did I somehow fry only the firing button soldering it together? Anyone have any ideas what my issue could be? I thought I was okay at soldering, but 2 in a row with the exact same problem? I have to be doing something wrong, right? I feel like giving up at this point, but I've already dropped a good chunk of my vape budget on this, and I don't take to quitting very well. I don't want to do another RMA if I can help it. If anyone has any ideas, I'd really appreciate it, I'm at the end of my rope.

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