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Everything posted by hockeypucks35

  1. Have you tried to run the case analyzer yourself at all? When I do it the thermal values seem to be way different from what the Vaporshark comes pre loaded with. My case cooling value for example is 284.17 s whereas by Vaporshark's default is 1000 s, and so on. I'm interested as to why this is. I would understand maybe a hundred or so difference but over 700 seems to me like a very substantial and concerning difference. I would naturally seem to trust the manufautures values first. However 1000 s just seems like an out of place number when we are dealing with hundreths of a value. Its just out of place. Also given the fact that they think our batteries are 10.22 Wh and a 3.09 soft cutoff. Makes me suspect that perhaps I shouldn't relye on the stock settings. Any thoughts, input, suggestions,and or first hand expirence would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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