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Posts posted by asg

  1. I posted this over on ecf in the dna200 thread, but figured it belonged here as well:

    Finished this mod a few days ago, just got around to taking a few pictures. Meet the lego200:


    Wiring inside is 12 gauge to the 510, 16 to the battery. The extra XT60 in there is between the dna200 and the 510, since I wanted things to be modular (this being lego and all). The 510 is from fasttech, basically a varitube clone. Battery is a Turnigy nano-tech 1000mah 3S 25~50C. Everything else is lego including the button actuators, chip holder, screen mount. No glue, only a small bit of double sided tape to hold the screen. The only cut into the lego was for the 510 (a hole for the threads, and a recess for the top plate.

    The style plates attach onto the side. So far I've made the two seen in the pictures, but I will likely make a few more. And I need to find some mounts in black. The grey ones stand out when the plates are off (they are completely hidden when they are on though).

    Been using it at about 50W mostly, 410F - 430F, preheat set to 200W 1sec. Vaping great. Now I just need to keep myself from ordering more dna200's.


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