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Posts posted by Pegaso

  1. VapingBad said:

    The Jaquith profiles just moved the line up and down slightly to get a slightly better match to the UD wire he had, UD may have changed their supplier since IDK.  I tried them all and they make zero difference to vape quality they are just a closer temp match to the wire he had, which is a good thing.  You can do the same thing by starting with the profile that matches your wire the closest and editing the curve, a cotton scorch test maybe helpful when doing this.

    so no easy solution must be try and error?

    ok about moving the line you mean vertical line or horisontal based on your experience?

    Ty for answer.
  2. Hi having troubles making tc with UD ss316 on dna75 trying to get this profiles but seams i can't have acess anyone can help?


    Wayneo said:

    @meloserj I already sent him a message when I saw post#127, and with no response it slipped my mind. No worries, here's what I had on my machine. Unfortunately Jaquith isn't here to explain the differences, or the missing versions. Use at your own discretion. Oh, one last thing, when you look at the filenames, the UD portion I believe was vendor specific, and I've got one other without the UD. I have no idea so use whichever you'd like based on his comments above. Cheers.

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