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Posts posted by HoboAJ

  1. Okie dokie, thanks guys! Just rebuilt to my normal .25 ohms and everything is working properly in power mode. Though, it's still not sensing temperature even though I cleaned all the connections a few days ago. Two last things: 1) how do I check voltage sag of my batteries on the device manager? 2) what can I do to make tc work on my other atomizer?

  2. Hey, I just bought some 26x28 SS clapton wire and downloaded the CSV and changed the wire profile on my settings. I've had this problem for some time and thought if I bought wire from LightningVapes instead of FastTech the problem would be resolved but alas it hasn't. I've used battery and case information from this forum to the EScribe. When I popped open the Device Manager to test out the new settings, the temperature almost never pops up and sometimes it read just 20-30 (idk what units) for a short time before disappearing from the chart while usually just displaying a "?". The Ohms starts higher and makes a quick downturn as the power input rises and then they all just sort of level off. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place but, I'm pretty frustrated that power mode and tc work the exact same, and I can't customize my hits. I'm using a Smok TF-RTA and a VT133 SN 0082.

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