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Gosh, sorry. I was trying to show a SP3T on-on-on. Maybe this will work: http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en/switches/toggle-switches/1114212?k=&pkeyword=&pv130=82&pv235=6&pv1293=65&FV=fff40011%2Cfff80064&mnonly=0&newproducts=0&ColumnSort=0&page=1&quantity=0&ptm=0&fid=0&pageSize=25 Hopefully I can find two from the same company/same look: one that is on-on-on and works in the manner required, and one that is off-momentary for firing. I am starting to feel like a fish out of water lol!
Thanks Awsum. So something like this? http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/c-k-components/7211MD9ABE/CKN1491-ND/483870 As for current, I have a Melo 3 mini, and vape it at 50.6W/3.7V and have never gone over 13.x amps. Everything else I vape is between 15 and 25W at 3.7 to 4.2 volts (I never go over 4.2 or under 3.7), i.e. not 'hot'. I don't really want to throw a rotary on for "atty toggling" because it loses a bit of the cool factor to me lol. I've also come to the realization that I want to build two triple-attys, one mechanical with voltage control, and one using just the DNA75. Ultimately, I'd like to build these for fun (normal, 1 atty mods), so right now I'm trying to build the crazy one in my head as a way into learning and having fun. As an artist, I've always wanted to build something beautiful AND utilitarian...just so I can patina the hell out of it lol. For instance, my Picos (yeah I know, kinda silly, but...)...
Hi guys, me again. This is the only switch I've found that will 'probably' work, according to the salesperson: http://www.digikey.com/short/3h25b4 Also, my above post. Brainfart, obviously I only need something to control the voltage as the wattage is a function of that and the resistance, and apparently the math is volts(squared)/resistance=watts It seems the OKR chip will do that: http://findmyvapes.com/how-to-build-an-okr-box-mod-tutorial/ Shawn
Thanks Retird. I think I've seen every decent video on the Chainsmoker...but none of them show someone taking it apart to show the guts TX - definitely not something I'll carry around, more like a "leave at work" thing lol. Guys, out of curiosity, is it possible to build a rotary dial that sets the wattage between 5 and 30 Watts, and another rotary that sets the voltage between 3.7 and 4.2 volts? I'd like to make a mechanical (i.e. non-pc board) setup, moreso out of curiosity on how it would be built than anything else... Below 3.7 volts it doesn't fire, and it's hard-wired to stop at 4.2 volts. Also hard-wired to never go beyond 30 Watts. And of course, a 20 Amp fuse How might that look without a circuit board? Merci! Shawn
Do you guys have any idea what the inside of a Chainsmoker Mod looks like? I'm thinking that starting with 2 of them for parts would be a good idea. I assume when you remove the wooden outer section, you probably end up with parts that you can turn into whatever shape you want... Or is this just crazy talk lol? Shawn ps Bill, my draws range from 2 to 6 seconds. Any longer of a draw and I'd probably pass out lol.
Understood. I need on-on-on. This one is 5 amps @ 125V AC. I think that would work? Much smaller, too... http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-Black-Bat-Lever-ON-ON-ON-DPDT-Mini-Toggle-Switch-Guitar-Bass-EP-4180-003-/322224072463?hash=item4b060d270f:g:9tkAAOSwT5tWMv7B PS, I don't think I've ever vaped beyond 35 Watts.
Thanks guys. Chunky, I don't expect to be doing temp builds. I eventually want to make a 3-atomizer mechanical mod (I am hoping I can use three Kick 2's?). But as I am new to all of this, I'd prefer to start building mods which are regulated, hence the DNA. Would this sort of switch meet the electrical/functionality requirements? https://www.amazon.com/uxcell%C2%AE-Road-Position-Toggle-Switch/dp/B00E1JNAC6/ref=sr_1_45?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1473520697&sr=1-45&keywords=on-on-on+switch Spiro - Does "having a lot more resistance with the contacts in the switch" mean, for example, that a 1 ohm coil will no longer function as such? If so, how can I compensate? Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to this! Shawn
Thanks so much, Chunky. I'll PM you in the morning when I wake up. I haven't thought about the enclosure yet, I just want all of the parts to work, then I'll think of the externals. I'd definitely love your help, since I am an electrical newb. On that note, at 47 years old with a full-time job, I want to go back to college to learn about electricity, milling machines and lathes. I've found an awesome hobby here, my brain is going a million miles an hour. Time to learn Shawn
Hi everyone, first post. Also my first electrical, and first mod, DIY. I suppose, to cut to the point immediately: I'd like to be able to trigger one of three atomizers, individually, using a toggle switch and a single battery (and hopefully a single DNA board). Simplified to the best of my abilities, I mean: Battery (fire button) - switch <- (510 | 510 | 510) ...where <- means left, middle, or right 510 connector is on, while the other two are off. In other words: purely mechanical (no DNA), I suppose that would mean: (tank) (tank) (tank) \ | / \ | / (switch) <[on-off-off] or [off-on-off] or [off-off-on] ^ (fire button) ^ (battery) Before I get into trying to do this with a DNA75 or DNA200, I guess I need to know if the basic setup (a battery with a switch that fires 1 of 3 atomizers, based on what position the toggle is in, is possible? I realize I have a lot to learn, and I'm willing to put the hours in. But as a creative person who no longer smokes or drinks (I quit both at the same time last month) I really need to focus my energies, and I have a mod in my head that I would love to see built in reality. Thanks for any help, Shawn