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Everything posted by WTVapes

  1. Efusion Duo... yea I have thought about emailing evolv for a fuse cuz everywhere I have found one they are out of stock
  2. Yea it reads it correctly but as soon as I disconnect from escribe it is back to nothing I guess I need to take the board out and check the fuse I've been looking for a replacement fuse online and everwhere is out of stock
  3. cell1-4.12V, cell2-4.12, pack is 8.24V
  4. it is 22.2WH and it 2-cell and it is not reading an atomizer could the fuse cause that too?
  5. My wifes dna 200 will only come on when i have it plugged in to escribe and will not read an atomizer if someone could help me out. Hopefully i want have to get another board but if i do i do
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