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Everything posted by djcapi246

  1. I used that copper pin with 510 threading that was mentioned on a thread here to check it. Manufacturer had it at .009, the mod resistance read .006 when I tried it out with the copper pin. Didnt matter which one i went with, it still didnt want to fire it correctly. I should have the m17 back in a week or so, hopefully itll be the last time it has to go back bc if it has to again Im requesting a refund.
  2. Im using an authentic velocity v2 rda. I think its most definitely the 510 in the M17 then because like i said, it works flawlessly on the efusion duo. I even built a SS316L core with nichrome 80 wrapped around it clapton, tossed it in the thereom rda and thats also working great. Ill give ni200 a try and ill defijitely order some nife and see how that works. I also have some titanium to see if i get a steadier TC vape. Thanks for all the help.
  3. That sounds great!! I'm currently looking for Nife30 (what gauge do you recommend?). I have Ni200, but can't get a build to work for me yet.
  4. I think what I meant as not bouncing around is at cold ohms. It does go up when it's heated. The build, coil, material, atty all work on my efusion, just not on the M17. I have since sent the device off again, and if I have a problem with it again, I will be looking for a refund. $375 on a mod that does not function properly is upsetting.
  5. Might be too late, however, per DJLSBVapes' website: 316LSS: TCR: 404ºF (0.00100 instead of 0.00092 DNA200 doesn’t allow that TCR) CSV: 387ºF
  6. Aww do not tell me that!!! LOL- I am loving SS316L so much I ordered a few different gauges (100' spools) to clapton with them; well, time to find some Nife30... haha
  7. Whoa lots of info for my dumb brain. Ok, here goes nothing: I don't have escribe with me (I'm at work), as far as mod resistance goes on the M17, they had it set to .009; I purchased that copper 510 pin thing to short the mod for the true mod resistance that was mentioned on this forum and got .006. So it's set at .006 at the moment. The efusion duo reads the atty ohms @ .2 and the M17 reads it at .25- when I was running the atomizer analyzer last night, it wasn't bouncing all over but it did go up and down a bit (I thought that was due to room temp though), I have screen shots of both while being fired with the same atty and same build if interested
  8. @wiredl0ve I cleaned all around it and then slightly nudged the pin up a bit, seemed to connect. The TC was still pretty much all over. Even to the point of cutting out @ 800F (per device monitor) and then staying temp protected for the next 2-3 minutes. I contacted Axis Vapes and I now have to send it back to them (again) because he stated that it could be that the spring is toast. He stated the spring carries the power load and may have fused together not allowing the 510 to return to the normal position. Not sure if any of this is possible as I can build coils and DIY Ejuice, but I'm dumber than dirt with Mods, and how they work. @black lace Funny enough, my Efusion DNA200 runs smooth with the same atty on it as the M17. I am new to TC so I'll try out settings you mentioned, but on the Efusion, its a nice flavorful warm vape at the settings I have it on (same as the M17 settings, but it actually works). As far as the way it's wired, I have no clue as I don't believe there is a way to open the M17. I'm pretty disappointed with this product for the money honestly. Beautiful device, but this being the 2nd time I've had to ship it back in 2 weeks (I've used it a total of 12 hours since purchasing it), I would love a refund so I can drop the money on a HOBOX or a LITT 44 if they ever become available again.
  9. The atomizer analyzer is pretty steady. It doesn't really bounce around. I have an efusion duo which the build works flawless on hence why I believe there is something erong with the M17 just not sure how to fix it. Thanks for the reply!
  10. I'm having a problem with my M17 DNA 200. For some reason, it won't hit Temp Limit that I set, and goes past it. I hooked it up to escribe, and did (3) four second puffs. The first 2 puffs it went over the limit and the 3rd time it stayed up as well. Then I went in for a 4th and it just went into temp control. Is this normal? I'm pretty upset that my Efusion Duo that cost me $150 works better than a "high end" $350 mod. I already had to return the mod because the first DNA 200 board wouldn't charge, so I want to be sure this is user error and not something wrong with the mod yet again. I'm running a SS316L core with 32g KA1 wrapped clapton if it matters. Thanks for any help, screenshot below of the reading in device manager.
  11. Yes like for instance, I use 24g Kanthal with .8 x .1 Kanthal ribbon wire and twist those 2 together. I haven't been able to duplicate it on steam engine. Cool I did not know that! I was using the TCR numbers from djlsbvapes website. I'll try these out though.
  12. Will there ever be an option for say tiger wire? I'm having a hard time trying to get tiger wire set up properly in either the wire wizard or the coil builder. Also, by downloading the CSV for say, Ti01, is the TCR number included within the file? I have heard that for a more accurate TC vape, you should CSV the wire type and then I had to go find the TCR number to input in escribe to get a more accurate TC vape. Am I over complicating things or duplicating what the CSV file is already doing?? Thanks!
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