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  • Full Name
    Shawn Haag
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  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?

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  1. I found that blue mad rabbit wire works with escribes 316l preloaded CSV built a .1 dual coil 3mm 8 wrap 22 awg coils working great 65 Watts 70 preheat punch at 5 425 degrees... Dunno if I like it better then the titanium I've been vaping for last 6 months but it does have a clean taste
  2. No once you open side panels warranty gone .... But you can buy custom side panels.... It's soldered to brass ring holding 510 in
  3. Yes I would like to see an option of adjusting preheat temp without escribe or a function of percentage of preheat power from what ever temp is set at there are times I would like to turn up or down preheat but can't gotta dig out my computer to hook up to escribe and that's only thing I use my computer for nowadays since I do everything on my Android...
  4. Thought my problem was solved appears it isn't I opened up the side panels to find a cold solder joint on my 510 ground ground just let go guess I'll try to fix myself unless evolve will fix
  5. Btw uploaded my vt200 mod settings at .003 mod resistance and same case cooling 287.72 Heating 301.48 USB charge 9.26 10.52 Min ambient -20 Max ambient 110 It's spot on even better then efusion ecig profile Atty ohm reading is perfect everything perfect Battery analyzer ran came out to 14.316 better battery then in my vt200 but still get about 4-5 hours bout half hour longer then my vt200
  6. It's fixed you guys were right opened up box messed up carbon panels a little but it was some gunk in the 510 took apart cleaned put back together is working like a charm... as you see side panels chipped corners alittle but who cares my mod is working again woot woot thanks guys
  7. Using 22 gauge ti lighting vapes and titanium CSV from evolve used nickle wire same thing works fine on my vt200
  8. Yes mod resistance is .006 tried same as my vt200 at .003 also still nothing
  9. Yes I can but I bought from vapor trading site think I'm going to have to contact evolve any idea on cost to fix?
  10. Titanium,nickel,stainless even tried factory reset no luck
  11. Hey all need help just purchased a efusion dna200 problem is temp is not working on any wire type just goes right to power mode fires at wattage no problem when set on temp it just goes to wattage on all my rda and tanks tried updating and downgrading firmware no luck what should I do?
  12. Is it better to run lower degrees and higher wattage or higher degrees and lower wattage? And how does preheat punch affect battery? Any info appreciated thanks all
  13. Thank you I will post an update if I can get battery to fit and Wh from battery analyzer
  14. I have found a few batteries I would like to try but the jst-xh plugs have either three red one black or three black one red which do I need? Black ones http://m.ebay.com/itm/321905051245?_trkparms=aid=222007&algo=SIC.MBE&ao=1&asc=20150313114020&meid=546b7e7f13cd4689a5a02b713da084d2&pid=100338&rk=6&rkt=29&sd=301791027450&_trksid=p2141725.c100338.m3726&_mwBanner=1 Red ones http://m.ebay.com/itm/262073237593?_trkparms=aid=222007&algo=SIC.MBE&ao=1&asc=20150313114020&meid=04176033a079451aa0cb1900fbe26569&pid=100338&rk=10&rkt=29&sd=301791027450&_trksid=p2141725.c100338.m3726&_mwBanner=1
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