Hi all, Read this as a guest first after my only remaining mod (H-Cigar VT200) stopped working last night (panic stations) and quickly came to the conclusion the board fuse was blown after reading this thread and some continuity testing with my multimeter. ''Disclaimer'' this is probably not wise or clever or indeed recommended: I used an unplugged multimeter probe as a test to bridge the gap between the + and the end of the board fuse with the battery plugged in to bypass the blown fuse and to make sure it was just the fuse, the mod came on when the fire button was pressed which confirmed it. All i ended up doing was I bridged one end of the fuse to the other with solder and reassembled the VT200. (There is a coating on the fuse which needs peeling off). Everything works fine so far, no problems at all after several hours of catch up vaping.. My soldering skills are reasonable as I build drones anyways which involves some very tiny soldering sometimes.. Is it worth adding an inline 25 amp fuse as well? I'm not so sure it would fit inside the battery compartment of a VT200 as its very tight in there, I'd like to hear if anyone else has done so with a VT200. This is a pure guess in my instance: I think because I've had the VT200 for almost 9 months with 2 lipo's and on a daily basis I charge one battery on a Turnigy charger and remove and replace the battery with a freshly charged one, this daily plug in maybe has been the cause for the blown fuse, this is my own assumption and I'm certainly no expert but that's what I think was the possible cause, most of the time when you plug any lipo in (doesn't matter what device) there's normally a short spark or at least sound of it, the initial power surge if you like - any thoughts on this theory appreciated. Have other people with blown board fuses plugged freshly charged batteries in on a daily basis? I really like the DNA 200 board and got used to the temp control which I use all the time and just decided to order a Volcano lavabox after this panic, so at least I'll have a back up mod fairly soon.