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Everything posted by rupert.n

  1. OK, so in order to change my battery setting from LiPo to 18650, I had to select "Manufacturer" rather than "Advanced". Thank you anyway -- just leaving this reply here in case somebody after me has the same issue. Thanks again -- your fast support is really appreciated.
  2. Got my Therion DNA 75 today. Installed Escribe. Updated Escribe to v.1.0.42 when prompted. Tried connecting the Therion using the supplied USB cable. "No compatible USB devices detected." Plugged out USB hub and plugged cable directly into the back of PC. Rebooted my Windows 7 PC twice. Tried two other USB cables that work fine for charging and transferring data on my phone and tablet. Ran Escribe in Administrator mode. None of this worked. Am I doing something wrong?
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