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Posts posted by r4nd0m

  1. Well mine is a 9/30/2015 so I assume even newer ... Well I'll go ahead and do some more testing but I can replicate with my vortice easily - dual could build 7 wraps totalling at 0.27ohm ... Firing it at 50watts @410F it goes into TC, do I set it to 210C it just fires in wattage mode ...

  2. Jaquith said:

    Using both Celsius and Fahrenheit right now, and it works for me. I'm using the latest Escribe and Firmware.

    well I use 2015-10-21 EScribe and firmware 2015-09-30 - which I believe is the latest available and I can observe this "glitch" on my device ...
  3. what I have found on my Vaporshark DNA 200 with the above SS wire profiles - it never enters TC mode if I use Celsius in my profile - took me a while to figure that out - not sure what the reason is - I then calculated my desired temp C into F and it always ramps up in TC mode ... not sure if this is a bug or intended - as the CSV is based on F 

  4. Jaquith said:

    Yeah that's the aggravating thing about SS316L, is there are at least 4 SAE alloys but UD is from China and they don't have an SAE standard. Frankly it has gotten to the point where you have to test and make adjustments for each wire. What's needed is a tool that can create CSV files .. DNA 200 Mod plus a built-in temperature probe connected to a computer. If the temperature seems too high or too low then let me know and I'll make some adjustments. Otherwise if you edit the file to increase the desired temperature increase the resistance by approximately 0.05 Ohm and test. The temperature should be close up to 460° F but the 500° to 600° F might be a little off. If I need to re-upload it's not a problem it takes no time. Let me know! :-)

    Yes please re-upload mate would be interested myself to test those curves - thanks in advance - just realised the links haven't expired yet
  5. I can see where this is going but I would actually prefer a battery warning - especially for lipos you don't want to run them down any lower than 20% to maintain longevity of the pack itself - have been doing that for years in rc so wouldn't do that on a mod either as I know the impact this can have on a cell - so I'd prefer a low percentage warning or even battery cutoff option so it doesn't fire but gives you a warning message ...

  6. Well, from what I see there are two camps here - I would suggest a TC best practices threat to explain how to do it "properly" or "intended" with this device. I have been playing a lot lately and reading this thread explained many things I was experiencing but still keeps questions unanswered which means the instructions aren't clear enough - I don't mind being blamed for being lazy but when searching the web you'll find both camps all the time spaced vs contact coils for NI, Ti, SS or watts vs temperature ... would be nice if the developers would tell people how the device and software has been designed to work best or at least how they intend people to use it with an explanation why ... I can see some points in this thread but again I think a clear explanation would help so people use it how it has been designed and it woods as expected ... This surely would open up the conversation for comments and hopefully will be helpful for all of us. Just a friendly comment ... with regards to scrum do it, we do it for quite some time and it has improved the ability to introduce new features much quicker - agile development is anyhow better especially if you are able to release feature builds vs full builds that require full QA ...

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