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Posts posted by Icyx

  1. Hello all 

    I just purchased a mod with a dna 75. Does anyone have the case thermal properties for a athena pride75 mod along w the int resistance of it? 



    It’s been a while since I’ve played around w escribe can anyone tell me the current version that’s used and the best firmware for the dna75


    Last I noticed in escribe you can change the color of the indicator light in the mod. I can’t seem to set a gradient though. Whenever I make my selection the square is always a solid color, can anyone shed light on that?


    Thank you for any and all help! 

  2. Well my mod came back from evolv and I have to say they do give damn good customer service. I sent my mod out Thursday New Year's Eve. Thursday the follwimg week they sent me a tracking number for its return trip. 2 days later I had it back in proper working order. I think that's pretty damn decent turn around time. Go evolv!

  3. Hi all, A quick question about the battery analyzer function. When you run the function will it write and import a csv chart for the discharge curve of the battery you performed the function on? I.e. I have a few DNA 200 mods (no none of the are anything to write home about) on one of them that uses a LI-po pack I will of course select that from the menu and run the analyzer function to see the usable watt/hours of the pack. If my test jig is close to the resistance of my usual coils and I run the restart the usual power I Vape at it should be a fairly good representation of my expected battery life. Now with my latest DNA 200 device the wismec Reuleaux which uses 18650's (yes I am aware we all know this) I'm assuming LI-po would be selected in the mod tab in escribe which brings up the discharge curve for a LI-poly pack. When you run the battery analyzer function will that curve be changed to represent the discharge of the 18650's and the appropriate watt hours filled in, or do I need to enter a csv chart pertaining to the discharge of that style battery then run the analyzer? Thank you in advance Icy

  4. I hope to see this excellent customer service you guys mention. I put a ticket in it took three days for the first response and two weeks for the second. I had to put a second ticket in before hearing back on the first. I sent my mod in last week hope they turn it around quick as they did for you. I do like the features of the board.

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