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Personal Information

  • Full Name
    Yadi Mulyadi
  • Location
  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Lost Vape Triade DNA 200

si_yadi's Achievements

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  1. So the conclusion of this jumping resistances that I suffered right now is because the wire connections? Perhaps it right because I am using the 22ga Ni200 now. Thanks for your advice dude
  2. No I didn't...I have set it to 400-420 F in the escribe
  3. Hi everybody, I really need an explanations here: Recently I've been trying to build a Ni200 in my Kennedy 25, on top of Triade DNA200. I built a dual coil 3mm in 10 twist. After complete installations the ohm reads at .12, but the problem is like this: 1. When I fire my mod the resistance shown usually raise from .09 to .13 2. When I left it to sleep or standby, the resistace drop down to .06 to .07, and suddenly changes again when I hit the firing button back to that .12 even .13 What is wrong in here? Is it my mod, my build or the wire itself?? Thanks for any advices.
  4. Hi everybody. I have a very urgently matter to ask and discuss in here: Yesterday I was played in Watt using a Caterpillar Track wire (dual coil, 3mm diameter, 0.2 ohm) in my Triade Dna200. When I vaped in 60 watt the flavour nor the vapor is reach my satisfaction, so I raise it to 75-80 watt until I finally satisfied with it. But here comes the trouble... My Triade DNA200 is slightly getting warm after 10 puffs....and finally getting quite hot in my palms. What is the matter in here?? Really appreciate any help or advices frok everyone here. Thanks you.
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