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  1. Hi, I'm a new modder and can't wait to put a box around this board. I have the fullymax 10Wh battery and the fdv 510 connector, cable has just arrived as well as the xt30 battery connector. A friend of mine has a 3D printer and is making the box from the files that evolve supplied. He is having all sorts of problems getting it straight and I'm starting to wonder if a box will ever arrive from him. As far as I can see so far, having a box milled from aluminium looks as if it would run into the hundreds $, bit hard to justify. As a plan B, it seems as if the Hammond boxes are quite popular and they seem to be available here in New Zealand. I just can't seem to get my head around getting the correct one B? G? , would somebody be able to point me in the correct direction. New Zealand is having it's very first national vape meeting 4th October, the closest they could get to the 5th (510 ..haha), I must have this finished and refined by then
  2. Well that scared the hell out of me!. Just updated to the latest version of escribe, the board reconnected and a new firmware showed up. Started to update the firmware and my computer totally lost the plot. Everything locked up and I eventually had to reboot the computer. On restarting, my dna pcb was totally DEAD, the computer recognised a usb being plugged in, but escribe wouldn't recognise it. I was distraught, it took two weeks to get the board to New Zealand and I was thinking, two weeks to get it back, then another two weeks to get another one.. I was not a happy boy when I went to bed! Fortunately while the board was on it's way here, I read nearly every post on this forum.. whew there's lots. Sure enough, I remembered some posts here, went to the tools menu and update firmware manually.. it's alive again! Thank you John and team, I should have known that there is not much that you haven't thought of.
  3. My dna200 chip and battery arrived today. Seven days from ordering and it's in my letterbox in New Zealand. Thanks evolve (and USPS) Now the building begins..
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