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I was wondering what the safe board temp is. My Triade hits 129F while charging with a 5V/2A charger (its a DNA 250). Since this thing is such a tight fit with my batteries, I just charge them in the mod rather than have to rewrap the batteries literally every time I charge them (Samsung 25Rs - apparently this mod is made specifically for LG HG2s, right down to the battery door not sitting flush with the 25Rs and the very tight fit) but I don't want to chance the board frying from getting too hot. I'm assuming that 129 is the safety threshold and that the board can handle higher temps than that but I wanted to make sure. My room isn't exactly warm (about 65F right now) so I don't know why the board temp goes so high. I'm not using a mod wrap or anything... And yes, I know the optimum choice is to go get HG2s but I'm tapped out at the moment and can't really just run and buy 6 new batteries, especially when my 25Rs work perfectly fine.
I have a Triade DNA 250 and it's my first DNA bit when I leave it idle or if I change atomizers, it crashes. One time it said something to the extent of error plus + to continue. The rest, it may reboot after being pulled off the charger (I charge my batteries with the 2A charger because the Triade rips up my wraps on my 25Rs every single time I go to charge them) or it may be sitting idle and I push the button and it turns on. I love my DNA and I'm actually in the market for a second one (preferably with a bottom battery door because nothing stresses me more than waking up and finding ejuice about a millimeter from the negative terminal) but the crashing is putting me off. I'm running SP4. Also if anyone has a profile for 3x25Rs I would be appreciatve because when my batteries drop below 20% the battery level disappears entirely which is frustrating beyond belief. Thank you
New Triade 250, Samsung 25Rs, battery stopped charging at 79%
Ethrem replied to Ethrem's topic in Batteries and Charging
Are there any of these battery curves posted anywhere? 25rs are pretty common after all. I mean the battery meter certainly seems to be accurate enough but I also didn't run it to 0 so it could indeed be off a bit. I noticed that escribe actually changed my 2.6v to 2.59v before uploading it to the mod so I'm wondering if the 250 does indeed support a lower cut off than the 200. I can't see why else it would change that otherwise. Either way I'm getting fantastic battery. I'm used to my 3300mAh LiPo TC100s and they usually need to be charged after 16 hours of much lighter use than the DNA got so to say I'm impressed is an understatement. I just want to make sure I'm doing things correctly is all. -
New Triade 250, Samsung 25Rs, battery stopped charging at 79%
Ethrem replied to Ethrem's topic in Batteries and Charging
Unfortunately running battery analyzer isn't an option for me right now, I don't have an RDA I can just stick a wire on and run it down with, just my prebuilts for my Cleito and Crown which would probably catch fire. So even though it lets you set a lower cut off in escribe, it doesn't actually work in effect? Someone told me not to use LiPo for 18650s due to the different discharge curves but I read on here to use LiPo anyway so now I'm totally confused. It would be great to get some clarification on all of this. It won't be another two days til I have to charge these again so I guess I'll find out. My understanding is the 250 has been optimized for both LiPo and 18650s so I would hope they would have fixed the cut off for 18650s as well. -
New Triade 250, Samsung 25Rs, battery stopped charging at 79%
Ethrem replied to Ethrem's topic in Batteries and Charging
Okay so this is a weird one. I left my batteries in and used a 2A charger but I noticed it was trickling down to .10 a few minutes ago so I hooked it up to the computer. It was reporting that all three cells were at 4.2v but with 21.7Wh instead of 27 and a charge level of 79%. I did a soft reboot and it said the same thing so I went in and just hit upload settings and it came back saying 27Wh and 100%, what happened here? Are the batteries bad or was it a bug? I find it hard to believe that the batteries are bad after their first charge lasted a whopping 38 hours and over 20mL of juice! I plugged the right settings into eScribe, 2500mAh, 3 cells, 10.8v and used the LiPo option so I am trying to figure out what's going on. These are brand new batteries, it was their first charge. I have my cut off at 2.6v instead of 2.5v as speced and they still had probably 10% left in them when I plugged the device in this morning so they weren't over-discharged. I'm running SP4 firmware. -
Just got a Lost Vape Triade DNA 250 - charging question
Ethrem replied to Ethrem's topic in General Discussion
The battery life on this thing is insane. Very impressed! I have gone through somewhere around 20mL of juice and I'm on hour 38 right now! Never dreamed I would have such incredible battery life! Very happy I went to a DNA mod! -
I plan to but I've spent all the money I can spend right now. Before the flash sale that got me this sweet mod went up, like 8 hours prior I bought an RX200S, 6 Samsung 25Rs, and a Luc V6 charger. Then I turned around and bought the DNA 250. I'm tapped out until I sell this RX200S. Lol.
Actually the Cleito handles my 95VG juice with ease. It doesn't gunk up at all. My Crown coils, on the other hand, die within a week if I'm using high VG juice. The Cleito 0.2 kanthal and 0.4 SS last about a month of using various juices (I switch daily or I get vaper's tongue). I have two of them and I like them a lot. I don't even have to prime them whereas with the Crown coils, I have to spend a good 10 minutes soaking the cotton and slowly ramping the wattage or the coil toasts in a week. The Cleito I just pop a new coil in, fill it up, wait a minute, set my wattage, and fire. The lowest VG I have is 76, most of them are 80/20. The Cleito works okay with the custom profile I made which is a modification of the v3.5 Jaquith profile but the power drop is still noticeable.
Ah okay, I get it. I'm used to having a device that asks every time and allows you to set the proper mode right away. It's just different. I have to get used to the way the DNA operates. There are many things that are a hassle compared to what I'm used to but the power of profiles kind of ameliorates that quite a bit.
If I put the same coil on my TC100 and choose the SS option, it works beautifully with a 55W ramp and 480F. Crown coils work perfectly with TC with it too. I guess I dont understand why the DNA can't do what the Aethon chip Innokin made handles with finesse. Innokin was so confident about the TC100s abilities that it's starter kit comes with SS coils it tells you to use in TC mode for the best experience. It's alright though, even in power mode this thing is a beast. There is definitely a big difference between my TC100s and my DNA in power mode. When I get some money again I'm going to be picking up an Aromamizer Supreme and I'll start building my own coils.
I switched my 0.27 Crown for my 0.41 Cleito and it didn't ask.
Well I only modified one of the profiles (the nickel hot) to make a custom SS profile. I just tried the stock one and even at 555F, there's practically no vapor.
Just got a Lost Vape Triade DNA 250 - charging question
Ethrem replied to Ethrem's topic in General Discussion
Oh no it charges just fine with the 2A cable I got with my Innokin, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to damage the USB over time like other cheaper mods. I'm using 25rs, I have them set up with the LiPo setting since that's the one that charges them to 4.2v, 27Wh (I put all the settings in the calculator - 2500mAh, 3 cells, 10.8) with a 2.6v cut off although I think these cells can go down to 2.5v if I remember correctly. -
Firmware bug maybe? I'm not sure since mine came out of the box with 1.3
My Triade came with SP3, it didn't work and it doesn't work on SP4 either unless I totally messed something up (which is possible, it's my first DNA after all).
This is my first DNA device. I had Innokin TC100s before and every time I pulled the atty off and put it back on it asked me if it was new even if it was the exact same atty so yeah it's kind of odd not being asked.
I've noticed this as well on my DNA 250 Triade. It only ever asks me if I changed attys when I push escribe profiles to it and it's hit or miss if it even does that. Both SP3 and SP4 do it.
Just got a Lost Vape Triade DNA 250 - charging question
Ethrem replied to Ethrem's topic in General Discussion
Hello, just got my first DNA device and I'm really loving it but I was wondering about charging. Is there any reason I should not use the USB to charge other than the fact it's slower than rapid mode on an external charger? I ask this because this device is extremely tight fit with my 25R cells and I know it will chew through wraps like crazy moving them back and forth. I have a Luc V6 and two married pairs of 25Rs (this was my first 18650 mod, I have three Coolfire IV TC100s) but I set the Luc to 0.68v charging anyway and with the 2A balance charger in the DNA 250, it's not going to be much slower. Since all of the original DNA 200 devices used the USB for charging, I'm assuming that there is no real danger to using the USB port for charging provided you use a high quality USB cable and wall wort but I thought I would ask anyway. My computer charges it at around 1.5A which shocked me but the same Samsung wall wort and cable I have been using for all of my TC100s is pushing between 1.94 and 1.98A just fine. I'm using the TC100 itazte cable which is from Innokin and meant to support their 2A charging so I'm not concerned about the cable quality, it's by far the thickest microUSB I've used. Just putting the batteries in this thing, two of the batteries I was afraid were going to rip right at the positive. Bad design on Lost Vape's part. If this device was bottom loading, it would be so much better... And the battery door would be flush too. Thanks everyone for your help! Oh and Evolv, amazing job on escribe. I thought I was going to be inundated with it but I actually figured it out without reading a tutorial any further than enabling the full options in the app. I set up my batteries and even customized an SS316L profile for my Cleito coils which works fairly well (although I still think my TC100 is smoother and it can do Crown coils in TC quite well which the DNA just can't get right). Can't wait to get an RDA or an RDTA and start building my own coils for TC since the only option I have with my tanks is Ni200 Crown coils and I don't like them. -
3.25 still doesn't have the smoothness that even my Coolfire IV TC100 has using the same coils you are. I switched to 3.5, dropped the preheat to 1W, soft punch, 1s, 55W power and I run it at 550F and it's somewhat comparable to the TC100 at 530F but it still feels off. I also don't get how the Coolfire handles TC so well with Crown SS coils even though they are meant for TC and the DNA can't handle them at all. At least it doesn't kick me out to power mode like I've heard of in the past but it's definitely irritating.