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Posts posted by iamuprise

  1. New issue that just started happening. When ever I press the fire button the screen goes blank. This has never happened before. What do I need to do to fix this and get the screen display back on while I fire the mod. I have reset to default and still no change 

  2. JaySoCal said:

    Stay away from fat daddy vapes 510. I know very bold and forward but let me explain. Been through 3 dna boards. The first one never came on so doubt it is related to this issue. The next 2 maybe. The ceramic insulator has no retention groove and will eventually move in the 510. The 2nd board worked great for a few weeks then restiance would fluctuate. Thought it was the clone rda so bought a authentic twisted mess rda. It was better but still some. Then it fried sent it in for warranty. 3rd board same thing but this time I got warranty service. Now on the 4th board was vaping on it a few weeks ago started do the same thing but was taking a vape and the check atomizer was displayed. So grabbed the atty and it was loose huh? Vaped it a little while longer was acting weird then check atomizer agian. But this time it is tight. Huh? Tale the back off the + wire is unsoldered form the 510. Huh?. I re-solder it to the 510 but still getting check atomizer weird right. So decide to push on the 510 with a screw driver it moved. Un soldered it and took the 510 out of the mod and the ceramic was cracked and allowed the positive pin to be close to the outside. Not a full short but close to it may of been intermittently allowing a short. Put a varitube v2 510 mod runs totally diffrent ohms don't jump feels way smoother.

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